Submit Your Application Electronically
We prefer that you submit your completed grant application electronically. Electronic submission allows us to distribute your application to our board members via e-mail -- it's fast, convenient, and it saves trees. If you're making your submission close to our deadline, electronic submission is the best way to insure that your application is received on time.
Here's how to submit your application electronically:
- Download the grant application form as a Microsoft Word document.
- Complete the form on your computer.
- Prepare a brief narrative using Microsoft Word.
Note: If your grant includes a request for tablet-based technologies (iPads, iPod Touches, etc.), you must complete and include Section V of BCSD's Guidelines for Purchase and Use of District Owned Tablet-based Technologies* in place of preparing a narrative and a cost document.
- Include a written quote from the vendor for the materials/items you wish to purchase. This quote will help us understand the cost of your proposal and will expedite purchasing upon award.
- Prepare any other attachments using Microsoft Word or Excel.
- Send your completed application and all supporting documentation as attachments to an e-mail message to Paul Bush:
*Note: The Guidelines for Purchase and Use of District Owned Tablet-based Technologies can be downloaded from the District's "Business Forms" webpage:
...or Submit Your Application by Mail
We prefer digital submissions, but you may submit your application by mail if you prefer. Here's how:
Download the grant application form as a printable form.
Note that this document is in PDF format; you will need Adobe's free Acrobat Reader to view and print it.
- Complete the application form, write a brief narrative, and prepare any other attachments.
Note: If your grant includes a request for tablet-based technologies (iPads, iPod Touches, etc.), you must complete and include Section V of BCSD's Guidelines for Purchase and Use of District Owned Tablet-based Technologies* in place of preparing a narrative and a cost document.
- Include a written quote from the vendor for the materials/items you wish to purchase. This quote will help us understand the cost of your proposal and will expedite purchasing upon award.
- Mail your completed application and all supporting documentation to:
The Brighton Education Fund
Attention: Grant Coordinator
2035 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
*Note: The Guidelines for Purchase and Use of District Owned Tablet-based Technologies can be downloaded from the District's "Business Forms" webpage:
What Happens Next
Here's what to expect after you submit your grant application:
- Our Grant Coordinator will acknowledge receiving your application by e-mail within a few days. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, feel free to check in via telephone or e-mail:
Paul Bush
- Our trustees will read your application carefully, and you may be contacted by our Grant Coordinator for clarification.
- In our grant application review meeting, our trustees will discuss your application and decide whether or not to fund it.
- Within a few days after our grantmaking review meeting, our Grant Coordinator will notify you of our decision by e-mail.
August, 2020

Brighton Education Fund
c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434