You can make a tax-deductible donation to the Brighton Education Fund in five different ways:
All contributions to the Brighton Education Fund are tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law.

To Mail a Contribution...
Print a copy of our donation form and fill in the blanks.
Note that this document is in PDF format; you will need Adobe's free Acrobat Reader to view and print it.
- Include a check payable to Brighton Education Fund/RACF or your credit card information.
- Mail to:
The Brighton Education Fund
c/o Brighton Central Schools
2035 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618

Donate Your Used Car...
It's easy and rewarding to donate a used car to the Brighton Education Fund. You can claim the full market value of your car as a charitable deduction on your taxes.
Insurance Auto Auctions handles the donation and auction process for us and for you. Call them, and they'll tell you just what to do:
Insurance Auto Auctions
522 Trolley Blvd.
Please tell them that the charity of your choice is Rochester Area Community Foundation. Then call RACF to let them know that the money they receive from the sale of your car is to go to the Brighton Education Fund:
Rochester Area Community Foundation
Jeff Hand
271-4271 x4113

Make a Gift of Appreciated Stock...
A gift of appreciated stock can help you save taxes, increasing the impact of your gift without costing you any extra in after-tax dollars. Don't let the process of giving stock frighten you -- the Stock Giving Center online at Rochester Area Community Foundation makes it fast and easy! It's private and secure, so visit today:
Stock Giving Center
November, 2005

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434