Multilingual Book Collection
May 28, 2008
Dear Brighton Education Fund,
The many Council Rock students who have other languages spoken at home will benefit greatly from your generous gift of bilingual books. The bar codes have not even been placed on the books and already the students want to borrow them. The students greatly appreciate seeing their native language in print alongside the English text. Their parents have also expressed their enthusiasm.
Providing support for native languages not only strengthens students' acquisition of English but also helps them to sustain the languages spoken at home. I am hoping that these books will also provide further opportunities for families to bond over books. I believe that greater exposure to other languages at an early age will increase the global perspective of our native English speakers.
We live in an increasingly global society and it is a pleasure to work in a district that recognizes and appreciates its international population. Thank you again for helping to make Brighton the forward-thinking district that it is.
With sincere gratitude,
Katie Corey M.S. Ed. TESOL

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434