- Team Jackets for the Alpine Ski Team
- Purchase of 20 insulated water repellent jackets embroidered with the Bruins mascot and team name for the alpine ski team. Funded by the David DeHaven Alpine Ski Scholarship Fund.
- Targeted Gift to the Counseling Department
- Funding for a gift card to be used for the purchase of items including food for students with food insecurities, gifts for the department's annual Resiliency Awards Ceremony which recognizes seniors who have overcome significant challenges in their lives, and for the Heart Award given to two teachers each year in appreciation of their outstanding connections with the students. This grant was funded by a targeted donation sent to us in appreciation of the Counseling Department.
- Assembly with Rochester Education Justice Initiative Speakers
- An honorarium was provided for an assembly for the 9th grade about the book "To Kill A Mockingbird". The speakers work with the Rochester Education Justice Initiative, a University of Rochester program that provides higher education in prison. The speakers' work addresses the issues of bias and systemic oppression that are central to the discussion of this book.
- Assembly with Professionals in Literature
- An honorarium was provided for three speakers, all BHS graduates from the 1990s, who are professionals in the fields of literature and writing. The high school's ELA 12 students, Trapezoid student staff, Crossroads student staff, Galaxy student staff and select 9, 10, and 11 ELA classes will attend an assembly to hear these published scholars and writers speak about their careers. The three alumni are Sejal Shah '90, Erica (Bleeg) Cavanagh '92, and Michael Dumanis '93.
- Authors Visit and Book Purchase
- Nationally known authors Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely appeared at a multi-district event at Nazareth College for middle and high school students. This event was funded in part by our author visit funding, which is annually provided to BEF by the Brighton PTSA. In support of that event, BEF purchased copies of their highly-lauded book "All American Boys" so the students attending the presentation could read it beforehand, and additionally provided bus transportation for this off-campus event. The full event involved the authors' presentation, an informal time to talk with the authors, and then a planned discussion when the students returned to school.
- NYC Theater Tickets for AP Lit Class
- A group of students from the high school's AP Literature class took a theater trip to New York City to see two plays with contemporary interpretations of Shakespeare. BEF subsidized the trip by covering the cost of tickets to the play "All the Devils Are Here," a one-act one-man show that explores the motivations and humanity of Shakespeare’s greatest villains.
- Books in Support of Author Visit
- Funding for 100 copies of Liza Wiemer’s book The Assignment, in preparation for her upcoming author visit to Brighton High School. Students in the BHS Book Club as well as English and Social studies classes will meet with her.
- Documentation Stations for Art Classrooms
- The NYS Visual Arts standards are adding a new focus on the presentation of artwork. Students will be expected to create digital portfolios of their work by photographing/scanning, editing, and cataloguing their work. Equitable access to equipment to do this work, regardless of a student's circumstances, is part of the mandate. This grant will fund the purchase of four sets of hardware consisting of an iPad, tripod, ring light, and lightbox. All art students will be trained to use the equipment to produce their own digital portfolios.
- Multicultural Literature Field Trip
- Funding of a field trip by the 12th grade Multicultural Literature class to the Ganondagon State Historic Site, the original location of a 17th century Seneca town. They will walk the information trail explaining about Native Americans life in our area and visit the museum. The grant will fund admission for the students and chaperones.
- Visit to Historically Black Colleges and Universities
- Joining with the Nancy Beck Fund, the BHS Hardship Fund, and the Brighton School Alumni Association, BEF provided funding to support a trip for Brighton's minority students to visit the Historically Black Colleges and Universities around Washington, D.C. as well as other important locations in the nation's capital.
- Music for Prism Concert
- Funding for two pieces of music by a contemporary Black composer that were inspired by serious social issues. The pieces will be performed at the Prism concert in the spring.
- "Come From Away" Experience
- Funding for tickets and transportation to take students in the 9th grade self-contained 15:1 English and Social studies classroom and the 9th and 10th grade AIM students to see "Come From Away" at the Auditorium Theater. For this event the Rochester Broadway Theater League subsidizes part of the ticket cost and their involvement includes a visit from the RBTL education team prior to the show. As part of this program the students will read the book The Day the World Came to Town, participate in a webinar about 9/11, and learn the show's music. There are many aspects of this show and the surrounding syllabus that teach about social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.
- Spectrophotometer
- Purchase of an ultraviolet-visible light spectrophotometer for use in AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and AP Environmental Science. This tool will be especially useful in the study of caffeine, as its absorbance spectrum is in the ultraviolet range. Students will be able to investigate the caffeine contents of a variety of commonly consumed products and consider questions of labeling, marketing, and safety.
- Esports Computers
- Purchase of computers for the new BHS and TCMS Esports team training room in Central Office. Esports is an increasingly popular area of competition and colleges provide scholarships for students who excel in this sport. Funded in part by Brighton Rotary.
- Rollerblades for the Alpine Ski Team
- Purchase of 16 pairs of rollerblades for dry surface training use by the BHS Alpine Ski Team. Funded by the David DeHaven Alpine Ski Scholarship Fund.
- Culturally-Responsive Literature Collection
- Purchase of a collection of 188 books that represent the broad concept of Culturally-Responsive Literature. This collection embraces the diversity of Brighton's students, many of whom seldom see themselves in traditional literature. The availability of these books will expand the cultural understanding of the students who read them. This collection will enhance the classrooom library of a BHS English teacher and it will be available to the entire department.
- Virtual Reality Headsets for the Counseling Department
- Purchase of ten VR headsets designed to connect to most smartphones, which will allow counselors and students to "visit" college campuses despite COVID-19 travel restrictions. These headsets will also be useful after COVID-19 is over for students who may have a difficult time traveling for college visits, enabling more opportunities for college and career exposure within our student population. These units may also be used to expose younger high school students to a variety of events; the possibilities are only limited by the available content.
- Suicide, The Ripple Effect
- Purchase of a site license for the documentary film "Suicide, The Ripple Effect," to be shown in health classes and beyond. This license allows unlimited use in the district.
- Staff Development for Science Teachers
- Funding of registrations for several BHS science teachers to attend National Science Teachers' Association online workshops about teaching science remotely. These workshops are offered for specific sciences. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Leadership Conference for Students
- Funding for five students to attend the Heart of New York Teen Institute, a four-day leadership conference.
- Staff Development for Science Teachers
- Funding of registrations for several TCMS science teachers to attend the Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) conference and a separate workshop on Argument-Driven Inquiry. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Music for Candide Performance
- Funding for a concert performance of Candide by the BHS Orchestras and BHS Mixed Choir. Students in these musical groups and the AP English students will study the text of Candide and relate it to current day. Professional musicians will work with the students to help them prepare. It will provide a challenging and unique musical experience for the students.
- Additional Stops for the AP Environmental Science Field Trip
- Each fall, the AP Environmental Science classes enjoy a field trip that is designed to increase student's understanding of land use, agriculture, sustainability, and environmental stewardship. BEF will provide first-year funding to add two stops to the trip: Stonecrop Farm, an organic livestock farm in Henrietta; and Ganondagan, to learn about Seneca/Iroquois perspectives on agriculture and the environment.
- Vacuum Forming Machine
- Purchase of a vacuum forming machine for use jointly by the Technology and Art departments for their new course Understanding Design, and also in the Technology and Art classes that use CAD (Computer Aided Design). This machine will be used in conjunction with 3-D printers already in the district, enabling students to design and fabricate molds and lightweight forms.
- Professional Development for Science Teachers
- Funding of registrations for seven BHS science teachers to attend the Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) conference this fall. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Plants and Gardening Tools
- Purchase of plants and gardening tools in support of a cross-disciplinary gardening project. Students from a variety of classes and clubs will work together to plant native vegetation around the high school and middle school property, participating in the planning, planting, and maintenance of multiple sites identified with the involvement of the building principals and the Buildings & Grounds Department. The work will expose students to the fundamentals of landscape architecture, urban horticulture, native plant biology, invasive species identification and removal techniques, as well as developing the communication skills required to engage adults in constructive discussion of these matters.
- "The Moxie Strings" Musicians Visit
- Funding for a day of educational, interactive workshops for both Twelve Corners Middle school and Brighton High School music students with the The Moxie Strings. The Moxie Strings are a musical group that focuses on fiddling and improvisation, two areas the music department has been introducing to their students. The work with the students will culminate in an evening concert with all the students, giving them an opportunity to present what they have learned.
- Instructional Technology Pilot Projects
- Purchase of a variety of software subscriptions and new devices to enable pilot implementations. Identified as high-potential items with applications in a number of different classroom environments by the district's technology coach, the collection includes Breakout Edu Kits, Minecraft EDU licenses, a premium subscription to GooseChase, a classroom subscription to LifeLiqe, and Micro:Bit MegaPaks.
- Plastic Recycler for 3D Printer
- Purchase of a ProtoCycler, a machine that recycles used plastic from 3D printers and reforms it into filament that can be used again. This machine will improve the efficiency of three 3D printers at BHS and one at TCMS, all of which are used by students in several technology courses.
- CD Players for the Radio Club
- Purchase of two CD players and a mounting rack, for use by the Radio Club for their WVBR broadcasts. This equipment can be used in conjunction with the recording equipment previously donated by the Brighton Education Fund for the BHS library's recording studio.
- Field Trip for Ceramics Students
- Funding for students in the Ceramics course to take a field trip to a professional ceramics studio to learn about and fire their own Raku pieces. The costs of transportation, clay, and glazes are included. Story and photos...
- Assisted Listening Device System
- Purchase of an Assisted Listening Device system with four loops for the BHS gym. This system will increase independence of hearing-impaired students during PE classes by enabling them to hear instructions instead of having to be accompanied by a sign language interpreter. The system will also be useful when assemblies and public events are held in the gym. Funded by a targeted donation.
- Staff Development for Science Teachers
- Funding of registrations for several BHS science teachers to attend the Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) conference and the University of Buffalo's National Center for Case Studies conference in the fall. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- 21st Century Classroom Furnishings
- Purchase of furnishings that will create an environment consistent with expectations for a 21st century classroom. The Health classroom will be reconfigured with a variety of tables, some with power sources, to enable a variety of grouping options.
- Computer for Mobile Broadcasting Setup
- Purchase of a computer to complete the portable cart setup to enable live broadcasting from outside the Morning Show studio.
- Graphics Software for Television Production
- Purchase of updated graphics software to be used by the Brighton High School Morning Show and in the school video and television production classes.
- Modeling Materials for Science Classes
- Purchase of materials to enable students the Living Environment classes at BHS to build model hands and arms that parallel real anatomical structure.
- Submersible Vehicle for the Science Research Club
- Purchase of materials for the BHS Science Research Club to build a submersible vehicle for underwater exploration and filming in nearby lakes. The students will be reusing many of the special components that BEF provided for their previous balloon launch to photograph the curvature of the earth.
- Furniture for Counseling/Mentoring Program
- Partial funding for the purchase of comfortable student-friendly furniture for the high school's new counseling/mentoring program. Creating a relaxed positive environment is an important aspect of the new group counseling and LINK peer mentoring initiatives.
- Recording Studio in the Media Center
- Funding to equip a recording studio in the high school library with a computer, software, interface unit, and monitor speakers. This student-centered recording space will enable students and faculty (and community members, too) to record and archive audio books, spoken word pieces, oral history, music, and to digitize the existing collection of vinyl records.
- Staff Development for Science Teachers
- Funding of registrations for five BHS science teachers to attend this year's STANYS Conference in Rochester, and one teacher to attend the National Center for Case Studies Conference in Buffalo. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Mineral Slides for Earth Science
- Purchase of two sets of 40 mineral thin sections for use in earth science classes. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Computers for the BHS Skills Lab
- Purchase of computers for the BHS skills lab.
- Materials for Environmental Science
- Purchase of materials for several projects that will enrich the AP Environmental Science class. Projects include a simulation of the electric power grid, wind-driven "land sailors," and wind turbines. Funded with monies from the William Dieck Fund. Story and photos...
- Editing Software
- Purchase of Turnitin editing software to be used by students and teachers in the English and Social Studies departments.
- LEGO Robotics Kits
- Purchase of seven LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics kits for the electronics/robotics classes and to enable students in the Brighton Robotics Club to compete at the FIRST Tech Challenge, a robotics competition.
- Music Composition Software
- Purchase of composition software for the music program. Funded by a targeted gift from a donor who expressed appreciation for the work of the music program.
- Science Teachers Conference
- Funding to enable two science faculty members to attend the Science Teachers Association of NYS (STANYS) conference to be held from November 2-5 here in Rochester. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Spectrophotometer for AP Chemistry
- Purchase of a spectrophotometer for use in the new AP Chemistry curriculum. Spectrophotometers are typically used to calculate the concentrations of unknown solutions, determine the rate of reaction for crystal violet, and calculate the percent mass of copper in brass. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Technology to Support Online Instruction
- Purchase of 3 Netbooks and 8 iPod Nanos to enable one teacher to move much of her instruction online, allowing class time to be used more for discussion and activities and less for lecture.
- Kayaking Experience for AIM Students
- Funding for a field trip and materials to enable students from the Alternative Instructional Model to experience kayaking. After an introduction to kayaking in the district's pool (using kayaks previously provided to the district by the Brighton Education Fund), the class will experience a two-hour guided paddling expedition on Irondequoit Bay.
- Commission Finale for String Festival
- Funding to commission a music composition by local composer Beverly Strelau to be performed as the grand finale song at the district string festival in February 2014. Funded by the Cultural Life Endowment Fund.
- Motion Study Equipment for Physics
- Purchase of a collection of precision tracks, carts, and masses for the study of dynamics (motion) in the Regents physics program. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Credit Recovery Program
- Subsidy supports the pilot implementation of a credit recovery program in the Math Department during the February and April breaks.
- Laptops for English Classrooms
- Purchase of five Lenovo ThinkPad notebook computers to enable small groups of students to work together doing research and writing as part of their classroom activities.
- Balloon Experiment Equipment for Science Research Club
- Purchase of an HD camera, chemical hand warmers, helium, an altimeter, a GPS, and other items to allow the BHS Science Research Club to design and launch a balloon to carry a camera to photograph the curvature of the earth, and then recover the camera for future experiments. Funded with monies from the William Dieck Fund. Story and photos...
- Visualizer for the Physics Department and Science Olympiad
- Purchase of a visualizer for the physics department and the Science Olympiad team. This grant was funded by a targeted gift to the Brighton Education Fund in support of the Science Olympiad team.
- Robotics Equipment for Science Olympiad
- Purchase of a VFX Robotics Classroom and Competition Mechatronics Kit for use by the Science Olympiad team. This grant was funded by a targeted gift to the Brighton Education Fund in support of the Science Olympiad team.
- iPad for the Music Department
- The Brighton Education Fund received an iPad for the Music Department, donated in memory of Ginny Morris.
- Equipment for the Alpine Ski Team
- Purchase of two-way radios, ski wax, and two race start coats, all in support the Alpine Ski Team. Funded by the David DeHaven Alpine Ski Scholarship Fund.
- Laptops for Art Classrooms
- Purchase of two laptop computers will permit digital imaging work to be done in any art classroom where the students are working.
- Gel Chambers for Biology Labs
- Purchase of ten vertical gel chambers for protein gel electrophoresis, a technique for molecular fingerprinting. This technique will allow students to see the evolutionary relationships and molecular differences between species and subspecies.
- Equipment for DNA Study in AP Biology Labs
- Purchase of several pieces of equipment that will allow students to examine and amplify trace amounts of DNA for further analysis by a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR allows students to study DNA to understand how DNA fingerprints are used in genealogy, forensics, and for other purposes.
- Renewable Energy Study Kits for AP Environmental Science
- Purchase of a variety of reusable kits that will enable students to deepen their understanding of solar, wind, and magnetic energy. The kits enable the construction of solar cars; wind turbines with different blade sizes, shapes, and pitches; and magnetic levitation vehicles.
- MP3 Players for Special Education
- Purchase of twelve MP3 players for a 12:1:1 special education classroom. These players will allow students to listen to material while they are reading the same text, helping them with both their reading and pronunciation skills.
- Demonstration Engines for Environmental Science
- Purchase of four demonstration Stirling engines and six fuel cell-powered palm-sized cars that demonstrate zero-emission vehicle technology. The hydrogen-fueled vehicles include a solar-powered refueling station that converts water to hydrogen. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Sine Wave Generator
- Partial funding toward the purchase of a Sine Wave Generator that will enable physics students to observe the quantum nature of standing wave patterns in different frequencies. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- iPad for Special Needs Students
- Purchase of an iPad for use with students with autism and related disorders.
- Kindles for Special Education Students
- Purchase of six Kindles, accessories, and Kindle titles to be used in special education classes.
- iPad for Occupational Therapy
- Purchase of an iPad and accessories, to be used district-wide for occupational therapy to help students with fine motor, sensory motor, and visual motor needs. There are a wide variety of apps available that will be helpful to the students served by this program.
- Video Camera and Microphone
- Purchase of a pocket video camera and an external microphone for evaluation district-wide as a way to improve the capture of student work in digital form, for inclusion in their portfolios.
- Centrifuges for Biology Labs
- Purchase of two mini-centrifuges for use in the Biology labs to spin down DNA and proteins. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Centripetal Force Apparatus
- Purchase of six pieces of apparatus that transform centripetal force from an abstract concept into a visible, measurable quantity. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Space Theater Planetarium Projector
- Purchase of a self-contained star projector. With a turn of the star date selector knob, the heavens appear, projected on your darkened ceiling. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Kayaks for Physical Education
- Purchase of six small kayaks, skirts, and paddles for use in the BHS PE program. This purchase will enable the inclusion of a paddling unit in the PE program, in support of the district's goals of creative physical education and lifelong learning.
- Equipment to Support the Development of Digital Portfolios
- Purchase of two sets of equipment with which classroom teachers participating in a pilot project will be equipped to capture student work in digital form, for inclusion in their portfolios. Each set of equipment includes a digital camera, a digital video camera, and a digital voice recorder.
- Dissolved Oxygen Sensors for Biology Labs
- Purchase of five dissolved oxygen sensors for the high school Living Environment and Environmental Science programs. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship. Click here for a reflection on the "Biology 2010" initiative, which was supported in part by this grant.
- Wii Fit Equipment
- Funding to purchase a Wii console and a Wii Fit balance board, for use in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and adpted PE programs throughout the district. A carrying bag makes this equipment fully portable. Funded with monies from the Al Lewis Fund.
- Hydroponics System Materials
- Purchase of materials for the construction of a nutrient-flow-through hydroponics system in the BHS greenhouse. The apparatus will be used for instruction, demonstration, and fund-raising purposes in Living Environment, Bio-ES, AP Bio, Environmental Science and the new Environmental Homeroom, and it ties in to the "Green Brighton" community initiative. Funded with monies from the William Dieck Fund. Story and photos... Click here for a reflection on the "Biology 2010" initiative, which was supported in part by this grant.
- Stereo Zoom Microscope with 2.0 Megapixel Camera
- Purchase of stereo zoom microscope for the BHS Science Department. This microscope is equipped with a digital camera, for capturing images and importing them to a computer. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- In-Residence with Composer Glenn McClure
- Funding for a collaboration and performance between BHS choral students and artist/composer Glenn McClure. Monies provided by BEF's Cultural Life Endowment Fund. Story and photos...
- DVDs for General Chemistry Instruction
- Funding for the purchase of two sets of DVD's for use in general chemistry classes. The DVDs will help to clarify concepts that are abstract.
- Interpreting Services
- Funding to augment the school's budget for interpreters at plays, concerts, clubs, athletic events, and field trips, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor.
- Books for BHS Photography
- Purchase of 24 copies of "Focus on Photography", which will enrich the instruction of both Photo I and Photo II classes. The new text will be piloted in support of this year's shift from silver halide to digital photography.
- In-Residence with Break of Reality
- Funding of an in-residence experience for string players with Break of Reality, a "heavy thunder" cello and percussion ensemble.
- Integrated Music/ELA Curriculum
- Exploring the question "Where does inspiration come from?", BHS English teacher Mary Ann Satter teaching artist Edward Klorman (co-artistic director of the Canandaigua Lake Chamber Music Festival BHS Class of 2000) developed and presented an integrated curriculum. In a culminating phase, the string ensemble counter)induction joined the students in a school-wide assembly. This project, co-funded by BEF and the Brighton Central School District, received a matching grant from the New York State Council on the Arts. Story...
- Magnetic Stirrer/Hotplates
- Purchase of seven magnetic stirrer/hotplates for the BHS Biology labs. This equipment will enhance the repeatability of experiments and improve the reliability of data gathered. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship. Click here for a reflection on the "Biology 2010" initiative, which was supported in part by this grant.
- Dance Dance Revolution Stations
- Purchase of six stations to add Dance Dance Revolution ("DDR") to the BHS Phys Ed curriculum. DDR combines dance, music, exercise, and friendly competition in a unique way that makes fitness fun.
- "Our Town" Field Trip
- Brighton High School was privileged to be part of a unique partnership with Geva Theater, in which a students had a chance to work with professional actors in developing their characters in concurrent productions of Thornton Wilder's "Our Town". As part of this project, the entire junior class was offered the opportunity to attend a performance of "Our Town" by the Geva theater company. The ticket cost was subsidized by BEF's Cultural Life Endowment Fund.
- Field Trip to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
- Funding for a field trip for all 9th grade Global Studies students to the Greater Rochester Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The trip will enrich the study of the Vietnam War and the culture of the era. Funded with monies from the William Dieck Fund.
- Sound System for the Lower Gym
- Purchase of a new sound system for the lower gym, to be used by gym classes, sports teams, and community groups.
- Video Editing Workstations
- Purchase of a pair of workstations to seed a mini-lab in which students can work on independent video projects.
Watch a video produced by BHS student Ted Levine: Part 1 Part 2
- Calculator-Based Lab Equipment
- Purchase of six TI84+ calculators and six CBL2 data collection devices to upgrade the calculator-based lab equipment used by BHS science students in many settings for real-time data collection and analysis. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Installation Art Experience
- The BHS art teachers planned, prepared, and led students through an installation art experience as part of the annual SpringFest celebration. Students worked collaboratively throughout SpringFest to create a graffiti wall in the urban style. Purchase of the necessary materials and supplies was funded by the Stephen Monk Gift. Story and photos...
- DNA Analysis Equipment
- Purchase of equipment to conduct DNA and protein sequencing in
biology classes. Exploration of gel electrophoresis will be instrumental for expanding the
genetics portion of the curriculum. Click here for a reflection on the "Biology 2010" initiative, which was supported in part by this grant.
- DVD for the Film Club
- Purchase of a new DVD for the Film Club. Funded by a donation from a parent of a 2003 BHS graduate.
- Stereomicroscope for Biology Classes
- Purchase of a stereomicroscope with a digital zoom that integrates with a computer and digital projector. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Geology Stream Table
- Purchase of a geology stream table and a variable-speed wave generator that allows complex simulations to be created. This equipment allows Earth Science students to experience the forces of erosion in a hands-on way. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Online Student Newspaper Module
- Purchase of software to support the production of an online edition of the Trapezoid. As well as providing an exciting learning experience for the Trapezoid staff, this grant will fund an important link to the community and alumni. Story...
- Financial Literacy Materials
- Purchase of a variety of books, periodicals, and DVDs that will improve the teaching of financial literacy. The purchases will benefit many departments at Brighton High School, including Business, Social Studies (Economics), and the Library/Media Center. In addition, the purchases will benefit students participating in several clubs, including FBLA and DECA. Funded by RACF, as the result of the settlement of a New York State lawsuit against a telecom company accused of improperly managing an IPO.
- Sympodium
- Purchase of a Sympodium interactive pen display from SMART Technologies, Inc. The Sympodium enhances presentations to large groups and will be installed in the BHS large group room. Funded by a donation from Steve Whitman, BHS Science Coordinator.
- Smart Board for the BHS Science Department
- Purchase of a Smart Board for the Science Department, which will enhance the delivery of curriculum material presented from a teacher's laptop. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Jimmy Tate, Artist-in-Residence
- Funding for a performance by rythmic tap-dancer Jimmy Tate. District funding brought Jimmy to work with students at French Road and TCMS; this grant enabled over 80 BHS students to work with him as well, and for some to participate in in-class preparation work with Shawn Dunwoody, a teaching artist from the Aesthetic Education Institute.
- Wireless Weather Station
- Purchase of a weather station with sensors for temperature, barometric pressure, windspeed, and precipitation. Consoles installed in three classrooms will allow local data to be collected for weather-related units in Earth Science, Living Environment, and Environmental Science. Story and photos...
- Equipment for Tree Ring Analysis
- Purchase of two increment borers and accessory equipment for tree ring analysis and dendrochronology. This equipment will enrich the study of Regents Biology, ES Biology, and Environmental Science with meaningful, local, hands-on research.
- Commedia Dell'Arte Project
- Funding for an in-residence experience with actress Holly Adams, who will lead an exploration of the Commedia Dell'Arte style of improvisational theater with Steve Engel's Acting II class. The grant includes funding for four masks which are an integral part of this style of theater.
- Films on DVD
- Purchase of a small library of classic films on DVD. The films are used in the film studies program, but these DVDs will be the seed of a collection to be built by the Media Center that will be available to the school community at large.
- Jazz Books for String Orchestra
- Purchase of "Jazz Wizard" texts for the BHS string orchestra, to enable the study and performance of jazz and improvisation to be included in the curriculum. Funded in part by the William Dieck Fund.
- Brass Plates for D. Bradley Smith Award Winners
- Purchase of a brass identification plate for each of the artworks in the D. Bradley Smith Art Purchase Award collection. The collection is on display in Brighton High School.
- Art Display Panels
- A pair of movable art display panels will allow an exhibit to be set up in any of the public areas of the school. This purchase will improve the flexibility and quality of the Art Department's exhibits. This purchase was funded by the Stephen Monk Gift.
- After-School Art Program for ESOL Students
- Ann Crerand and Jennifer Wheeler, teachers of Art and ESOL at BHS, received funding to support an after-school program for ESOL students. The program will use the artistic process to build literacy skills and communicate students' individual cultural values. These teachers will provide an after-school ceramics class on a bi-weekly basis. The experience will culminate in a reception for parents, faculty, and administrators. The teachers will volunteer their time, and BEF will fund the costs of art materials for the project. Story and photos...
- Smart Board for the BHS Mac Computer Lab
- A Smart Board in this lab will greatly enhance instruction for the art, music, math, and technology departments. This purchase was funded in part by the W. Todd Harper Fund.
- Equipment to Enhance the "Fish Farm"
- Purchase of a collection of equipment that will enhance learning opportunities with the aquaculture unit ("fish farm") purchased in 2001 with DeHaven funds: 5 calorimeter probes, 7 TI calculator-based laboratory systems, 7 TI-83+ graphing calculators, one water heater, one heater controller, one temperate aquaculture poster. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Art Supplies for ESL Animal Scramble
- Funding for supplies to enable BHS students to paint and seal a fiberglass polar bear, as part of the ESL Animal Scramble. Story and photos...
- Digital Microscope and Training
- Funding for a digital microscope, required software, and a training workshop. The Biology team coordinator will attend the workshop, then teach others how to use it. Story and photos...
- Pilot Online Testing Service
- Funding for the evaluation of an online testing service from McDougal-Little. The service allows a teacher to post a test online, which students then take in a computer lab setting. Students are provided immediate feedback, as well as allowed later access to review test questions. The teacher is provided an item analysis that will facilitate the re-teaching of frequently-missed concepts. The service also compares the teacher's test questions to state and national standards.
- Touch Tank
- Funding for the purchase of a "Touch Tank" that allows students to care for and handle cold-water marine invertebrates, such as starfish, horseshoe crabs, and anemones. The equipment purchased includes a refrigeration system required for the successful care of these creatures. The Touch Tank will be used to promote the Whale Watch trip, for pre-trip preparation and instruction, and for maintaining specimens for further study after the trip. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship. Story and photos...
- Whale Watch Scholarships
- This grant supports the participation of students who would otherwise be unable to participate in the Whale Watch trip for financial reasons. The trip is a highlight of the Biology program, because it provides an opportunity for experiential and investigative learning outside of the confines of the classroom. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Ed Klorman, Artist-in-Residence
- As part of a three-week artist-in-residence visit that took him to every school in the district, violist Ed Klorman worked with the viola section of the BHS orchestra and performed a mini-recital. Ed's work in the schools was funded by a special gift from Robert Gianniny. Story and photos...
- Mulitcultural Posters
- Purchase of a set of multicultural posters for use in the development of a three-subject project to integrate math concepts into the Social Studies and English curriculum.
- Circuit Board Fabrication Equipment for the Technology Department
- Purchase of a double-sided spray etcher for fabricating printed circuit boards, as part of the Electronics/Robotics and Principles of Engineering Courses. This equipment will reduce the time and handling now devoted to board etching, and will enable more creative designs to be etched. Funded in part by the William Dieck Fund.
- Groundwater Simulation System for the Science Department
- Purchase of a Groundwater Simulation System for use in the groundwater and groundwater contamination units of Earth Science and Environmental Science. This model helps teach important concepts, making visible processes that are normally hidden from view. Funded in part by the William Dieck Fund.
- Capturing and Counting Plankton
- Purchase of a plankton net, plankton counting slides, and cover slips. This equipment will be used in the Ecology unit of Regents-level Biology courses, as well as in the weekly stream sampling program in the new Environmental Science course. Story...
- Tents for the Mountain Bound Program
- Matching funds towards the purchase of two heavy-duty tents for use by the Mountain Bound program. These tents, owned by the program, will supplement equipment brought by the participants in the program's annual camping trip to the Adirondacks.
- Aquaculture and Hydroponics Unit for Environment Science
- Purchase of a 400-gallon aquaculture unit -- a "fish farm" -- and a hydroponics set-up for use in the study of environmental science. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship. Story and photo...
- Video Capture Hardware for the Morning Show
- Purchase of a computer interface card and external break-out box to facilitate the capture and editing of digital video. This grant was funded by a gift from the Class of 1946, on the occasion of their 50th reunion.
- Film Studies Library
- Funding for a library of DVDs to be used in a new senior elective course called "Studies in Film Genre." These DVDs will augment and supplant the use of the personal film collections of individual teachers.
- Drug Test Kits
- Funding to obtain drug test kits for demonstration use during the urinalysis lab in Regents biology. The grant will provide each teacher with one kit per class section, to demonstrate testing for Morphine and Methamphetamine. As well as making the testing process more meaningful, this activity will provide teachers an opportunity to discuss drugs and drug-related issues with students, in direct connection with the biology curriculum.
- Graphing Calculators
- Additional graphing calculators for the Math Department. This purchase was funded by a special gift from Phyllis Hubbard Jore, a member of the Class of 1950, on the occasion of their 50th reunion.
- Waders and Net for the Biology Program
- Two pairs of chest waders and a kick net for collecting samples in streams and ponds. Photo...
- STANYS Funding for 4 Teachers
- Funding to send four science teachers, including one each from the earth science, biology, chemistry, and physics departments, to the Science Teachers Association of New York State Conference. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- NetOp Software for the Technology Program
- Digital Camera for the Trapezoid
- A high-quality digital camera, for exclusive use by the Trapezoid staff. Story and photo...
- Digital Camcorder for the Art Program
- A mini digital videocamera for the Art department. Story and photos...
- ZipZapMap and Inspirer Social Studies Software for the Humanities Program
- Videoflex Camera for the Science Program
- A micro video camera for projections of close-up views of science experiments. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Two Yamaha Keyboards for the Music Program
- Two Yamaha keyboards to enhance the music theory program.
- Solidworks CAD Software for the Technology Program
- State-of-the-art software for 3-dimensional solid modeling.
- Photoshop Enhancement Software for the Technology Program
- Magnetic Stirrers for the Chemistry Lab
- A set of magnetic stirrers to accompany the new hardware and software measurement system for the chemistry laboratory. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Classroom Set of Graphing Calculators and Overhead Display for the Math Program
- Three Digital Cameras for the Technology Program
- Three digital for general use in the school. A gift in collaboration with the Nancy Beck Fund.
- Stopwatches for the Science Lab
- Stopwatches for use in science experiments.
- STANYS Funding for 4 Teachers
- Funding to send four science teachers, including one each from the earth science, biology, chemistry, and physics departments, to the Science Teachers Association of New York State Conference. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Large Screen Television and Video Converter for the Library
- A large screen television and video converter to attach it to a computer for the library classroom. Story and photo...
- Glass Harmonica Demonstration for the Science and Music Programs
- A demonstration by a Glass Harmonica player (a person who plays music on tuned glasses of water) for both science and music students.
- Franklin Speaking, Spelling, Handwriting Ace for the ESOL Program
- A Franklin Speaking, Spelling, Handwriting Ace with headphones to assist students in their writing in English.
- Digital Camera for the Science Program
- A digital camera for use in the laboratory to document experiments.
- Digital Camera and VCR for the Art Program
- Story and photos...
- Computer Equipment for the Foreign Language Program
- Equipment to interconnect a computer and classroom televisions.
- Computer and Page Layout Software for the Trapezoid
- A new computer for the Trapezoid enabling them to begin producing page layouts digitally. A special gift, thanks to the Class of 1957. Story and photo...
- Books on Audiocassette for the Library
- A collection of books on tape that parallels the literature in the English curriculum. Story and photo...
- Bereavement Conference Funding for Counseling Department
- Support for a staff member to attend a conference on dealing with bereavement issues.
- Problem Solving Competition Registration for the Extended Studies Program
- Contest registration for an academic competition.
- Photosynthesis Software for the Science Program
- Special software for studying photosynthesis. Funded by the David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship.
- Multimedia Classroom Components for the Humanities Program
- Equipment to outfit a shared classroom in state-of-the-art technology including a VCR, video-disk player, and digital projector.
- Alumni Authors Collection for the Library
- Funds toward the purchase of books by Brighton graduates for the Alumni Authors Collection. Click here for a list of Brighton alumni authors and their works, hosted by the Brighton Schools Alumni Association. Story and photo...
- Display Cases and Kiosk
- Display cases and a kiosk for the front hall of the high school. A special gift from the friends and family of Scott Noris, Class of 1954.
- Choral Risers for Music Program
- Portable risers for the music department. A special gift, thanks to the Class of 1950.
- Books for the Library
- Gifts of books for the library from the Class of 1976 in honor of their deceased classmates.
- Books for the Counseling Department
- A selection of texts to build the staff library in the counseling department. A special gift from a grateful parent.
- Laser Disk to Accompany New Biology Text
- A laser disk designed to complement the new biology textbook.
- Scribner's Writer's Series CD-ROM for the Library
- A compendium of significant literature, both English language and foreign (with translations) referenced by themes
June, 2024

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434