The David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship was established in 1996 by friends and family in memory of David DeHaven, a 1988 graduate of Brighton High School who died in an accident at the age of 26.
While in middle school, David was tremendously influenced by his science teachers, who excited him about learning in a way that carried over into his other subjects and activities throughout high school and college. The David DeHaven Memorial Fellowship assists current science teachers to exemplify the characteristics that inspired David while he was a student at Brighton. This fellowship is awarded annually to teachers at the middle school and high school, or the proceeds are used to fund a special project that benefits the entire Science Department. The fund is intended to strengthen the science program, so that other young people will continue to benefit from it as David did when he was in school.
Possible uses include but are not limited to the funding of:
- Attendance at a conference
- Tuition for special course work
- Guest speakers
- Clinics on motivation techniques and teaching skills
- Purchase of materials not funded by the district
Selection, contingent upon submission of a detailed request, is determined by a committee consisting of a representative from the Brighton Education Fund, senior teachers from both the middle and high schools who are familiar with the science programs, and a member of the DeHaven family.
May 6, 2001

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434