- Interactive Materials for Special Ed Students
- Purchase of a variety of interactive innovative learning materials for special education students in grades 3-5. These items were selected to enhance both academic learning and socio-emotional growth. They include 6 Blue Bots and coding mats, 5 OSMO Genius Starter Kits, 5 OSMO Pizza Company sets, and 5 iPads with cases.
- Materials for New Student Makerspace
- This grant will provide hands-on building materials for the new Makerspace area at French Road Elementary School. This is an area that will allow students to explore and innovate the making of actual objects, using a wide variety of materials, tools, and techniques.
- Manipulatives for the Mental Health Staff
- Purchase of a collection of manipulatives and play items to be used by the mental health staff during small group counseling sessions, individual sessions, and in classrooms. These items, which include board games, LEGOs, various types of card games, Play-Doh, art supplies, and more, will be used by counselors providing support for students in the following areas: anxiety, social skill development, executive functioning, self-esteem, emotional regulation, mindfulness, coping strategies, anger management, impulse control, and relationship building strategies.
- Visual Aids for Health Class
- Funding for a classroom set of puppets for use in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Health classes. The puppets will be used in small groups to represent the neurology of fight, flight, and freeze reactions in the brain -- how this happens, why this happens, and how to respond to these feelings. Understanding emotions supports the development of critical thinking skills.
- Meeting Owl Pro Communication Devices
- Purchase of a Meeting Owl Pro for use by the Special Education department. The device is intended to facilitate a videoconference between a group of educators around a conference table and a parent who cannot physically attend Special Education meetings because of work, transportation, or childcare needs; the Meeting Owl Pro automatically rotates the camera and microphone to focus on whoever is speaking at the table, allowing a distant parent to be an active member of the team discussing the needs of our most vulnerable learners.
- Microphones and Speakers
- Purchase of two different sets of microphones and speakers for the FRES health and physical education classes. One set is for use in classrooms and the other in the gym or outside on the fields. These will help students listen and concentrate more effectively.
- Furnishings for a Quiet Room
- Purchase of furnishings to create a quiet space at FRES to give students an alternative location where they can work with the staff on self-soothing strategies or just take a necessary break to calm themselves. The grant includes carpeting, soft seating like beanbag chairs and floor pillows, indirect lighting, and other details to create a quiet room for use by students in the PATH program, and by other students who have social-emotional issues and would benefit by being in this peaceful space.
- Wind Turbine Kits For The Technology Program
- Purchase of 23 mini-wind turbine kits for the Technology program. Using a special stand with a transformer that converts rotational energy into electricity, students will use a variety of recycled materials to build wind turbines and then test them outdoors and measure the power produced. They will be able to compare the differences between the number of and shape of rotor blades, and gain an understanding of the engineering challenges connected to wind power.
- Music Composition Competition
- For this grant the students will work over ZOOM with their teacher to set up criteria for a music composition project. They hope to attract submissions from music education composition programs and ultimately work with the winning composer to play the music.
- Bluetooth Indoor/Outdoor Speakers
- Each day, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students must stand in a spaced line waiting to have their temperature checked before entering the building. Two speakers, one at each entrance, will play cheerful lively music to make the wait more pleasant. The speakers will also be used for other gatherings in the school.
- Counseling Collection for the Library
- Purchase of a new collection of 62 books (56 titles) to create a Counseling Corner in the library. These books will be available for circulation and address topics such as divorce, loss, anxiety, emotions, and other issues often raised during counseling sessions.
- Self Esteem Posters
- Purchase of a set of posters that convey messages that boost self esteem. These durable, easily-cleaned posters will be installed in bathroom stalls.
- Solar System Learning Materials
- Purchase of an array of materials to support teaching about our solar system. Instruction plans include working with PE teachers to provide students with a kinesthetic experience about our solar system that includes walking scaled distances inside and outside the school.
- Classroom Sound Amplification System
- Purchase of a classroom sound amplification system. This Lightspeed Redcat sound amplification system will improve the clarity of spoken sound in the classroom and lessen the distractions caused by extraneous noise.
- Heart Rate Monitors
- Purchase of a set of heart rate monitors for use in Physical Education classes. The goal is to help students understand the importance of their target heart rate and how to sustain it.
- Books Focused on Values
- Purchase of 154 picture books intended to support discussions about diversity, acceptance, friendship, empowerment and making positive change, making good decisions, and the FRES Star Qualities of kindness, respect, responsibility, self-control, and integrity. These books will be used in community circle discussions both in person and in remote instruction, and will be available to the entire fifth grade team.
- Posters to Support Inclusion
- Purchase of three large mounted canvas posters for the FRES entrance lobby with messages chosen to support inclusive values.
- Musical Performance with the Ying Quartet
- Funding for a musical performance by the Ying Quartet. The string quartet, based at the Eastman School of Music, tours the world but still finds time to teach and perform in schools. Their expertise, their style and their life experience combine to make them inspiring performers with whom our students will get to spend some time.
- Classroom Sound Amplification System
- Purchase of a classroom sound amplification system. This Lightspeed Redcat sound amplification system will improve the clarity of spoken sound in the classroom and lessen the distractions caused by extraneous noise.
- Music Composition and Choral Experience
- Funding for a music composition and a learning experience in composing and scoring music for the 4th grade chorus. William and Laura Baldwin, both retired Brighton music teachers, will compose the piece, score it, coach the students for the performance, and teach students about the process along the way. The piece will remain part of the FRES chorus music library for future use.
- Technology Program Update
- Purchase of materials to support the conversion of the FRES Technology curriculum from a laptop-based program to an iPad-based program.
- Video Production Equipment
- Purchase of a green screen, microphones, and the DOInk app for iPads to enable 5th grade students to independently produce videos to share with their families and others. In preparing material to present in this medium, students not only have to think about content but also how best to present ideas and information to others.
- Sphero SPRK+ Robots
- Purchase of a set of 12 Sphero SPRK+ robots and related materials to enable establishing a coding club for French Road students. The robots will also be available for teachers to use in their classrooms.
- Raspberry Pi Microcomputers
- Purchase of 25 Raspberry Pi microcomputers for the technology program. These hobbyist computers will enable FRES students to develop a hands-on understanding of how computers work and provide a vehicle for learning the basics of computer coding.
- Speech-to-Text Computer System
- Purchase of an Interact-AS computer system that converts spoken language to text on the screen. The system supports hearing-impaired students by providing real-time conversion of both the teacher's statements and classroom conversation. It also can enable ESOL students to read real-time translations from English into their native language.
- Sound Barrier
- Purchase of a soft, flexible sound barrier divider, to create a separate quiet space within a resource room classroom.
- iPad-Based TV Studio Equipment
- Purchase of backdrops and equipment to create a simple television studio in the school's computer lab, built around an iPad Pro and Padcaster software. Students will use this set-up to learn how to make effective presentations using images, interviews, and multimedia.
- Workshop on Visual Phonics
- Funding for a summer staff development workshop on Visual Phonics, a helpful technique for teachers of deaf and hearing-impaired students. This workshop will also benefit the teacher of any student who has a learning disability that interferes with the development of phonemic awareness. Funded by a targeted donation.
- Supporting Language Development in Hearing Impaired Students and Their Classmates
- Purchase of six Picture Plus sign language Dictionaries to support hearing impaired students and their classmates with their communication skills and an Expanding Expressions Tool Kit that provides a multi-sensory approach to improving written and oral communication. Funded by a targeted donation.
- 21st Century Classroom Furnishings
- Purchase of furnishings that will create environments consistent with expectations for 21st century classrooms. One 4th grade classroom will be equipped with a variety of tables, standing desks, and fabric stability balls (replacing some chairs) to assist students with different learning styles. In addition, standing desks and stools will be provided for the 3rd grade Learning Resource Room.
- Keyboards for Typing Instruction
- Purchase of 25 portable keyboards with color-coded labels to help FRES students learn to type using color and sound.
- Solar Energy Materials
- Purchase of materials for hands-on lessons about solar energy. Students in grades 3-5 will work with and analyze a variety of solar powered devices, including building a solar powered race car, a solar powered water purifier, a solar powered phone charger, and a solar cooker.
- Pilot Purchase of Brainology
- Purchase of the Brainology program, a blended learning program of on-line instruction and classroom activities that helps children build confidence by learning how to learn; it has been shown to be an effective tool in improving academic performance. This will be used in two fourth grade classrooms initially.
- iPad and Software for Reading Program
- Purchase of an iPad mini and a software license for CCPensive, a digital note-taker and instructional organizer program that supports the CAFÉ (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary) approach to teaching reading in a fourth grade classroom. Funded by the William Dieck Fund.
- Library Furnishings
- Purchase of furnishings for the French Road Library to create a physical environment that fosters greater collaboration, engagement, and interaction.
- STEM Learning Environment
- Funding to support the development of a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering And Math) learning environment based on a model of Lake Ontario. Funded by the William Dieck Fund.
- iPads for an Integrated Co-Teacher Classroom
- Purchase of iPads for an integrated co-teacher classroom.
- Build-It-Yourself Computer Kits
- Purchase of two build-it-yourself kits for children to build their own computer. Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will work with these kits to learn the basics of how technological devices work.
- Board Games to Build ELA Skills
- Purchase of comprehension board games that target specific ELA skills such as Inference, Sequence, Cause & Effect, Fact or Opinion, etc. These games will be used primarily by 5th grade classroom teachers.
- Commission Finale for String Festival
- Funding to commission a music composition by local composer Beverly Strelau to be performed as the grand finale song at the district string festival in February 2014. Funded by the Cultural Life Endowment Fund.
- Sign Language Interpreters for Assembly
- Students from the Rochester School for the Deaf will present a storytelling assembly, and BEF will underwrite the cost of interpreters.
- IXL Interactive Math Program
- Funding to provide a one-year subscription to the IXL interactive math website for two fifth grade classrooms. This grant will allow students to explore the use of this online service to practice and advance their math skills.
- iPad for an Integrated Co-Teaching Class
- Purchase of an iPad to allow for greater differentiation of instruction in a fifth-grade ICT classroom.
- Vegetable Garden
- Funding for a vegetable garden that will be built and maintained by the students, teachers, administration, and parents of FRES. The garden is envisioned as a learning tool that will help students build a love and appreciation for nature, while teaching them how to make healthy food choices, with many opportunities to integrate the garden into classroom teaching. Story and photos...
- Soundfield Amplification Systems
- Purchase of two classroom sound amplification systems for integrated 3rd grade classrooms to provide an optimal auditory learning environment. Integrated Co-teaching is a program along the continuum of special education and this sound system should be beneficial to the varied population of students served in these two classrooms, by improving the clarity of spoken sound in the classroom and lessening the distractions caused by extraneous noise.
- iPad for Occupational Therapy
- Purchase of an iPad and accessories, to be used district-wide for occupational therapy to help students with fine motor, sensory motor, and visual motor needs. There are a wide variety of apps available that will be helpful to the students served by this program.
- Video Camera and Microphone
- Purchase of a pocket video camera and an external microphone for evaluation district-wide as a way to improve the capture of student work in digital form, for inclusion in their portfolios.
- Equipment to Support the Development of Digital Portfolios
- Purchase of two sets of equipment with which classroom teachers participating in a pilot project will be equipped to capture student work in digital form, for inclusion in their portfolios. Each set of equipment includes a digital camera, a digital video camera, and a digital voice recorder.
- Subscription to the NetTrekker Web Site Database
- Funding for the purchase of a one-year subscription to the NetTrekker web site database. This purchase will enable the FRES Library and Technology departments, faculty, staff, students and families to fully evaluate NetTrekker, which promises to provide a safe and valuable online research environment for elementary school students.
- Wii Fit Equipment
- Funding to purchase a Wii console and a Wii Fit balance board, for use in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and adpted PE programs throughout the district. A carrying bag makes this equipment fully portable. Funded with monies from the Al Lewis Fund.
- Appalachian Music Study with Mitzie Collins
- Funding to bring Mitzie Collins, a nationally-know expert on Appalachian music, to FRES to work both with teachers and directly with students. A teachers' study group on this topic sought Mitzie's help, and this grant will deepen this professional growth exercise and allow it to touch a broad cross-section of students in a memorable way.
- Geva Storytelling Workshops
- Funding to bring teaching artists from Geva into every 5th-grade classroom for a workshop on the art of storytelling. Bringing this theatrical experience into the classroom will not only feed the development of student self-confidence and provids an opportunity for students to tap into their own imaginations, it will also give teachers a chance to learn techniques that they can use in other classroom activities.
- Elmo Visual Presenter
- Funding for the purchase of an Elmo Visual Presenter -- a digital opaque projector -- to enhance teaching in the ESOL classroom. This purchase was funded by a targeted donation from Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Amado.
- Interpreting Services
- Funding to augment the school's budget for interpreters at plays, concerts, clubs, athletic events, and field trips, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor.
- Materials for a Chinese Club
- Funding for the purchase of materials to enable the creation of a new Chinese Club. A Chinese Club at the elementary level will help spur interest in a Chinese language program at Brighton and is a perfect fit with the district's 2020 Vision.
- Poetry Library to Enhance the Fourth Grade Poetry Program
- Funding for the purchase of poetry books for each 4th grade classroom, to enrich the program for many years to come. This purchase was funded by a targeted donation from Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Amado.
- Field Trip to the Strong National Museum of Play
- Funding for a third grade class to visit the Strong National Museum of Play and the new Butterfly Exhibit was provided by a targeted donation from Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Amado. Story and photos...
- Cello Divas in Residence
- Funding for an in-residence program with professional musicians the Cello Divas (http://www.cellodivas.com). The program will include work with student groups and the full orchestra during the day, a performance with the orchestra for the entire school, and an evening performance with the orchestra for students and families. Funded by the Cultural Life Endowment Fund. Story and photos...
- SMART Board
- Purchase of a SMART board and projector for one 5th grade classroom, where it will be used by an enthusiastic early-adopter of the technology who is anxious to share his experience with his peers.
- Number the Stars
- Funding for an integrated ELA and Performing Arts artist-in-residence project involving 5th and 6th grade students. Student read Number the Stars, a Newbery Medal-winning book by Lois Lowry, and presented the musical version of the book. Students spent a day with Sean Hartley, who adapted the book to the stage. Funded by the William Dieck Fund, the Alan L. Lewis Fund, the W. Todd Harper Fund, and theCultural Life Endowment Fund.
- Sympodium
- Purchase of a Sympodium interactive pen display from SMART Technologies, Inc. The Sympodium enhances presentations to groups of all sizes, and is uniquely usable by students with mild disabilities. Funded in part by the Al Lewis Fund, the W. Todd Harper Fund, and the William Dieck Fund.
- CPS ("Jeopardy Game") System
- Purchase of a CPS system (Classroom Performance System) from eInstruction Corporation, including a single receiver unit, 30 response pads, and a carrying case. The system claims to be easy for a teacher to use, helps engage every student in the room, and provides the teacher instant feedback on student learning. Funded in part by the Al Lewis Fund.
- Ink-Jet Printer and Scanner for the Art Program
- Purchase of an HP 6127 ink-jet printer and an HP ScanJet 500Csi scanner, to enrich the art program. The scanner will be used to capture student artwork and build a digital collection. This equipment will also allow the FRES art teachers to offer students the opportunity to explore pop art, mono-chromaticism, and other advanced concepts. Funded by the Stephen Monk Gift.
- Leveled Texts for Special Ed Literacy Program
- Funding to purchase a set of "leveled texts" to support the balanced literacy program. This grant provided six-copy sets of 45 titles that span multiple genres, making challenging material available to readers of all skill levels. The purchase of teacher resource guides was included. Funded in part by BCSD, BEF grantmaking funds, and the Alan Lewis fund.
- Ed Klorman, Artist-in-Residence
- As part of a three-week artist-in-residence visit that took him to every school in the district, violist Ed Klorman taught music classes, performed a mini-recital, led a rehearsal of the orchestra's string section, and performed in concert with the orchestra. Ed's work in the schools was funded by a special gift from Robert Gianniny. Story and photos...
- Spontaneous Seconds
- Funding to implement "Spontaneous Seconds", a bi-weekly complement to FRES's new math program. During a Spontaneous Second, the whole school stops to tackle a short, engaging, thought-provoking problem that requires careful listening, brainstorming, analytical skill, and teamwork.
- Library Books
- Purchase of a collection of books in support of the new Odyssey of the Mind program and other creative work. Selected titles will address topic areas such as:
- How Things Move and Work
- Electricity and How to Work with It
- Performing Arts
- Construction Techniques for Scenery
- Costumes and Masks
- Thom Ward, Poet-in-Residence
- Support to enable Thom Ward, a local poet, to spend time as a poet-in-residence in each fifth grade English class. Story and photo...
- Software for Special Education Program
- Software to assist learning-disabled students with reading and writing skills, purchased with funds given in memory of former Brighton teacher Louise Caldwell. Story and photo...
- Cynthia DeFelice Author Visit
- Funding to bring in author Cynthia DeFelice to visit the school.
- Math Enhancements - Orienteering
- Compasses and other orienteering materials to introduce a new topic to the math curriculum.
- Compuscore Software for Resource Room
- Software to facilitate the speedy evaluation of diagnostic tests, freeing the teacher to spend more time with the students.
- Masterworks Series for Art Program
- Prints of famous paintings to provide examples for the art room.
- Books for the Library
- Pilot Math Program for Grades 3-5
- Mario Teaches Typing Site License for Computer Lab
- New software for the keyboarding lab for elementary students. A site license enabled its use on all machines in the lab.
- Classroom Sets Of Calculators for 3rd Grade
- A uniform set of calculators to introduce their use in teaching elementary math, later adopted by the entire program.
Math Manipulatives
- A collection of materials to allow teachers to experiment with the introduction of a hands-on method of learning certain types of math. This was later adopted by the entire program.
- Enhanced Mac Memory for Resource Room
- A computer upgrade to allow the use of software particularly beneficial for some students with learning disabilities.
May, 2024

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434