Visiting the Strong Museum Butterfly Exhibit
Students in Ms. Moulton's third grade classroom had an opportunity to visit the Strong National Museum of Play. Their time in the Butterfly Exhibit was clearly the highlight of the day. Ms. Moulton reports:
We had a fantastic time exploring the Butterfly Exhibit at the Strong National Museum of Play.
It felt like paradise upon entering the room. The air was warm and very humid. You could hear water bubbling from fountains and see butterflies fluttering everywhere... even landing on children.
We learned about how butterflies protect themselves with camouflage, or bright colors to warn predators that they may be dangerous. Some butterflies trick predators into thinking they are other creatures. Some do this by having large spots on their wings that look like big eyes staring back at you. One butterfly's wings even look like the profile of a snake!
The children studied butterflies up close using magnifying glasses, took notes, created their own butterfly pictures, learned about flight patterns and how certain wings are built for speed and endurance while others are built for slow movement.
Check out the pictures and the notes the children wrote. I think the pictures and the kids' words say it all!
It was a great experience and the class can't thank Mr. and Mrs. Amado enough for their generosity in sponsoring this field trip!
Don't miss the photo album that accompanies this story:
Click here for photos of our field trip.
story and photos by Carrie Moulton
February, 2007

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434