- Materials for New Student Makerspace
- This grant will provide hands-on building materials for the new Makerspace area at Council Rock Primary School. This is an area that will allow students to explore and innovate the making of actual objects, using a wide variety of materials, tools, and techniques.
- Book Birthday Party
- Funding for a "book birthday party," in conjunction with a PTSA-funded author's visit. Author Hayley Rocco and (Caldecott Award winning illustrator) John Rocco will publish a new book, How to Send a Hug, just before their visit to CRPS. Our grant will provide a copy of the book for each classroom and writing paper, an envelope, a Forever stamp, and a How to Send a Hug pencil for each student. The book describes how meaningful it can be to send a letter; the students will write a letter and send it to someone important to them.
- Bee-Bot Programming Materials
- Purchase of a set of six Bee-Bots and related subject mats designed to introduce basic coding and other learning concepts to kindergarten students. The students will program the Bee-Bots -- small, cute bee-shaped robots -- by pressing buttons that set the direction and distance they will move over mats to reach specific points of information. Bee-bots will help students develop computational thinking skills.
- Biofeedback Hardware and Software
- Purchase of a biofeedback program to help students learn to regulate their emotions and manage stress and anxiety levels. The grant will provide five sets of biofeedback sensors, monitors and tablets -- one for each member of the mental health staff -- and pay for a one year subscription access to the necessary software.
- Books to Accompany Author Visit
- Purchase of 40 copies of Layla, the Last Black Unicorn, to accompany the in-person author visit of Jerdine Nolan. The book is a story about self-acceptance, co-authored by Tiffany Haddish. 40 copies will provide one for each classroom, the Counseling Department, and the library.
- Meeting Owl Pro Communication Devices
- Purchase of a Meeting Owl Pro for use by the Special Education department. The device is intended to facilitate a videoconference between a group of educators around a conference table and a parent who cannot physically attend Special Education meetings because of work, transportation, or childcare needs; the Meeting Owl Pro automatically rotates the camera and microphone to focus on whoever is speaking at the table, allowing a distant parent to be an active member of the team discussing the needs of our most vulnerable learners.
- LEGO Makerspace Walls
- Purchase of LEGO base plates and blocks for two new LEGO Makerspace walls for the kindergarten corridors at Council Rock. A previously funded LEGO Makerspace wall in 2017 proved to be very popular, but the renovations and subsequent classroom assignments at Council Rock resulted in the teachers who requested the original wall moving to a different wing of the building. Their enthusiasm for the first wall led them to ask for one for the new hallway. In recognition of the benefit of this creative activity, BEF will fund the creation of a wall for each of the kindergarten classroom corridors.
- Julia Cook Author Visit
- Funding for a two-day author visit by Julia Cook, the very popular award-winning children's book writer and parenting expert. Every class at Council Rock, including both students who attend in person and those who attend remotely, will meet with Ms. Cook over Zoom. There will also be an evening session for parents and a staff development workshop. In addition, this grant funds the purchase of 43 hardcover volumes of her books. Ms. Cook's books use a wide range of appealing characters to teach about social development issues and problem solving. Co-funded by BEF, the PTSA Author Visit fund, and BCSD.
- Osmo Learning Game System
- Purchase of a basic Osmo hands-on technology learning game system. BEF will provide funding for add-on modules if the trial proves beneficial.
- Library Books Featuring Diversity and Inclusion
- Purchase of 43 new Early Readers written with an awareness of diversity and inclusion.
- Recess Equipment for Each Class
- Purchase of 50 separate sets of recess equipment (a variety of balls and jump ropes) so that each class will have its own materials. This will facilitate recess for each class, which will replace physical education classes this year, without increasing the risk of COVID transmission.
- Classroom Library on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Purchase of a collection of books selected to support the understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion. There are 108 titles in this collection (2 copies of some titles, making 130 books in all) and they will be shared among the second grade classrooms.
- Reading and Math Learning System
- Purchase of a Learning Alive Supplemental Reading and Math classroom kit. This kit consists of software with integrated hands-on materials designed to help students who are new to English as well as students who are having trouble learning to read.
- Green Screen Technology
- Purchase of a green screen for second grade classes working together. Using the Do Ink apps they already have on their iPads, students will use green screen technology to independently produce videos. Using this technology and making videos will broaden the scope of their personal and group reports and allow the students to share their learning in all subject areas with their families as well as a wider audience.
- Interactive e-Books
- Purchase of 49 Lightbox book sets for the school library. These interactive e-books can be accessed in school on iPads and computers, as well as online in students' homes. Each title comes with a hard copy and online activities.
- Dash and Dot Robots
- Purchase of a set of Dash and Dot Robots for use by several classes. These hands-on, playful robots introduce young students to coding.
- Brighton History Field Trips
- Funding for four field trips for six second-grade classes to visit historical places in Brighton as part of their social studies curriculum. They will visit the Stone-Tolan House, Corbett's Glen, the Buckland Farmhouse, and the Brickyard Trail.
- LEGO Wall Makerspace
- Purchase of materials to construct a LEGO wall "makerspace" for kindergarten students to use. This project is planned so that it can be moved to accommodate any future construction changes in the school.
- Workshop on Visual Phonics
- Funding for a summer staff development workshop on Visual Phonics, a helpful technique for teachers of deaf and hearing-impaired students. This workshop will also benefit the teacher of any student who has a learning disability that interferes with the development of phonemic awareness. Funded by a targeted donation.
- Supporting Language Development in Hearing Impaired Students and Their Classmates
- Purchase of six Picture Plus sign language Dictionaries to support hearing impaired students and their classmates with their communication skills and an Expanding Expressions Tool Kit that provides a multi-sensory approach to improving written and oral communication. Funded by a targeted donation.
- Kindergarten Kickoff Reading
- Purchase of 200 copies of The Night Before Kindergarten—one copy for each incoming Kindergarten family.
- Equipment for Music Listening
- Purchase of a Bluetooth indoor/outdoor speaker and 50 kneeling pads for the Council Rock music program. The speaker will allow the music teachers to play music for the students in a variety of spaces, especially useful since sometimes class is held in the cafeteria.
- Board Games for Kindergarten Wraparound Program
- Purchase of board games that support the development of social skills. These games will be used in the kindergarten wraparound program.
- Social Skills Library
- Purchase of 22 books with a focus on social skills, to be housed in the school library. Funded by the Alan L. Lewis Fund.
- iPad for Speech-Language Program
- Purchase of an iPad and specialized apps for therapeutic intervention for students with varying needs in the speech-language program.
- Promoting Integration of Hearing-Impaired Students
- Funding to support programs to promote the integration of deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing children in a second grade classroom. Included are the establishment of a relationship with a "sister" class at the Rochester School for the Deaf, including establishing pen pals, video-chatting, and visiting each others' classrooms. Also included are the establishment of an American Sign Language Club at CRPS (with materials and payments for an interpreter and a teacher of the deaf) and the costs for participating CRPS students to attend a storytelling festival at the RSD. Funded by a special donation that encourages greater understanding of deaf education.
- Exercise Equipment for Indoor Recess
- Purchase of materials to encourage active exercise during indoor recess periods. Purchased items include Chinese jump ropes; Smart Toss colors, shapes and number games; Fitness dice; Hopscotch play carpets; Speed Stack sets; Fit Deck Exercise Playing cards; and Clever Catch Exercise Balls.
- Summer Reading Materials
- Purchase of take-home summer reading materials for students exiting first grade/entering second grade who are on a "watch list" for their reading skills. These kits consist of books for students and also parent support materials from the Scholastic My Books, Grade 1 Fiction/Non-Fiction 8-book bundles. Funded by the Alan L. Lewis Fund.
- Picture Book Collection
- Purchase of a small collection of picture books for each classroom and the principal's office, in support of the building-wide Read Aloud program, as requested by the Building Goals Committee.
- iPad Apps for Speech Therapy
- Purchase of a group of iPad apps to support the speech therapy program.
- Wii System for Indoor Recess
- Purchase of a Wii computer gaming system to enhance physical activity opportunities for first and second grade students on days when recess must be held indoors.
- iPads for ELL Classroom
- Purchase of two iPads, accessories, and applications for use in the English Language Learner classroom.
- iPad for Occupational Therapy
- Purchase of an iPad and accessories, to be used district-wide for occupational therapy to help students with fine motor, sensory motor, and visual motor needs. There are a wide variety of apps available that will be helpful to the students served by this program.
- Video Camera and Microphone
- Purchase of a pocket video camera and an external microphone for evaluation district-wide as a way to improve the capture of student work in digital form, for inclusion in their portfolios.
- iPads for use in with ASD Students
- Funding to purchase four iPads for use in an 8:1:1 classroom setting with Kindergarten students displaying Autism Spectrum Disorder. They will be shared with two Kindergarten classes as well, with whom the ASD students integrate. Funded in part with monies from the Al Lewis Fund.
- iPads for use in the Classroom
- Funding to purchase five iPads for use in the classroom setting to develop students' fluency, and to reinforce literacy skills in reading and writing. They will be used with students with Autism and multiple disabilities as well as in the general education classroom, using tools and techniques selected and developed by the teachers piloting their use. Funded by the William Dieck Fund.
- Yoga Program Introduction
- Funding to enable one teacher to introduce the YogaKids program to her classroom. Implemented successfully at FRES, yoga promises benefits for the primary classroom as well, and fits with the district's health and wellness goals. Funded with monies from the Al Lewis Fund.
- Equipment to Support the Development of Digital Portfolios
- Purchase of two sets of equipment with which classroom teachers participating in a pilot project will be equipped to capture student work in digital form, for inclusion in their portfolios. Each set of equipment includes a digital camera, a digital video camera, and a digital voice recorder.
- iPods to Supplement Read-Aloud
- Funding to purchase eight iPod Touch portable media players for four first/second grade classrooms. The players will be used to supplement the Daily Five literacy learning routine by providing children more opportunities to listen to reading.
- Wii Fit Equipment
- Funding to purchase a Wii console and a Wii Fit balance board, for use in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and adpted PE programs throughout the district. A carrying bag makes this equipment fully portable. Funded with monies from the Al Lewis Fund.
- Reading Buddies Program
- Funding to establish a "Reading Buddies" program for two first grade classes at CRPS and two fourth grade classes at FRES. The cost covers bus transportation between the two schools, and food, books and supplies. Funded with monies from the Al Lewis Fund.
- Multilingual Book Collection
- Funding to help build a multilingual book collection for the more than 180 students at Council Rock speaking other languages. The books will be available in the library for everyone's use. Story and photos...
- Interpreting Services
- Funding to augment the school's budget for interpreters at plays, concerts, clubs, athletic events, and field trips, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor.
- 1950s History Program
- Funding for the development and delivery of programming that helped all of our first- and second-graders understand life in the 1950s. The staff of the Strong National Museum of Play presented two interactive assemblies for first graders, and second graders went to the Strong Museum and enjoyed a variety of '50s-themed activities developed expressly in celebration of Council Rock School's 50th anniversary. Story and photos...
- Poet in Residence
- Funding of a four-visit in-residence program for two second-grade classes with Rochester poet Sally Bittner Bonn. Funded by a grant from BEF's Cultural Life Endowment Fund.
- Soundfield Amplification System
- Purchase of a soundfield amplification system for a Council Rock classroom. The system permits students with a variety of hearing impairments to learn productively, side-by-side with students whose hearing is unimpaired. Funded by a targeted donation from a district family. Story and photos...
- Local History Field Trip
- Funding for a field trip for a blended second grade class including stops at Indian Landing, the waterways of Ellison park, High Falls and the Stone-Tolan House. The trip is an integral part of a unit on local history. Funded with monies from the Al Lewis Fund. Story and photos....
- Language Games for ESOL Classes
- A targeted donation from Charlotte and Nelson Cohen in memory of Bessie Bloom funded the purchase of language games for use in ESOL classes at Council Rock.
- Field Trip to Genesee Country Village
- A targeted donation from Anthony Amado allowed us to fund a field trip to Genesee Country Village for Michelle Oravec's second-grade class.
- Speech Recognition Software
- Purchase of a copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking for use with students who have unusual difficulty with written expression. These are students who often have strong verbal abilities but who struggle with the act of writing. A representative from AchieveResults willl work with teachers and students to refine their use of the software. Purchase funded with monies from the Al Lewis Fund.
- Wireless Microphone
- Purchase of a new wireless microphone for the Council Rock auditorium. A wireless mic will allow speakers, storytellers, visiting authors, and musicians to make their performances more natural and dynamic.
- Bagel Bakery Field Trip
- Funding of a field trip to Bruegger's Bagel Bakery for Melissa Klein's first-grade class. The class was treated to a behind-the-scenes tour of the bakery in honor of Ms. Klein's having been named Teacher of the Week by Bruegger's and the Messenger Post newspapers. Story and photos...
- "Dance Asia" Field Trip
- Funding of a field trip to the Auditorium Center for a performance of "Dance Asia," which celebrates the traditional dance and acrobatics of the Chinese culture. Two first-grade classes will see this production in conjunction with a unit on cultural diversity. Funded by a grant from BEF's Cultural Life Endowment Fund. Story and photos...
- Rochester Children's Theater Field Trip
- Funding of a field trip to the Nazareth College Arts Center for the Rochester Children's Theater production of "A Year with Frog and Toad." Two second-grade classes will see this production that brings a favorite piece of literature to life. Funded by a grant from BEF's Cultural Life Endowment Fund.
- Counseling Library
- Funding for the second phase of a library of children's literature for use by the Counseling Department. The books focus on social and emotional issues that impact primary school students. They will be used to encourage conversation and writing around topics that are often hard for children to discuss. Phase 1 funding was awarded in 2004. Story and photo...
- Impressionist Art Study
- This grant enabled Mrs. Waugh's blended second grade class to undertake a special art project: They studied the work of Joseph Turner (an Impressionist painter), took a trip to Corbett's Glen to capture landscapes with digital cameras, then worked on their own paintings with the help of Dick Kane (a nationally-known artist). Funded by a donation from Jody Siegle and Reuben Epstein. Story and photo...
- Japanese Culture
- CRPS teacher Karen Allen traveled to Japan as part of the Fulbright Memorial Fund Teacher Program. This grant enabled her to share her experience with students in a number of ways that complement curriculum units on diversity and community. A series of workshops on Japanese storytelling with noted storyteller Jay Stetzer was included. Story and photo...
- Wireless Weather Station
- Purchase of a wireless weather station allows children to gather, record, report, and analyze local weather data in real time. In addition to student use, the school nurse now uses the data to make informed decisions on the safety of playing outdoors at recess; without this equipment, a school-wide decision was made based on the weather at the airport.
- Counseling Library
- Purchase of a library of children's literature for use by the Counseling Department. The books focus on social and emotional issues that impact primary school students. They will be used to encourage conversation and writing around topics that are often hard for children to discuss. Story and photo...
- GEVA Theater Field Trip
- Funding of a field trip to the Geva Theater for two first-grade classes and two second-grade classes. They saw a performance that tied into their efforts to incorporate drama with their social studies unit on diversity. Story and photos...
- Jack Gantos Author Visit
- BEF provided partial funding for a visit from author Jack Gantos, popular author of the Jack Henry and Rotten Ralph series.
- Ink-Jet Printer for the Art Program
- Purchase of an HP 6127 ink-jet printer, to enrich the art program. Initially, this printer will enable production of instruction cards that improve the effectiveness of the teacher and provide some autonomy for the students. It will also be used for the creation of display materials and family communications. Later, it will provide students the opportunity to design illustrations and other computer-generated graphics. The purchase includes supplies and network interface equipment. Funded by the Stephen Monk Gift.
- GEVA Theater Field Trip
- Funding of a field trip to the Geva Theater for two second-grade classes. They will see a performance and tour the theater, the costume shop, and other backstage areas. Story and photos...
- Robin Pulver Author Visit
- Funding to bring guest author Robin Pulver to visit. Robin Pulver is a popular local author, who will work in groups with all the students. Story and photos...
- Ed Klorman, Artist-in-Residence
- As part of a three-week artist-in-residence visit that took him to every school in the district, violist Ed Klorman taught a music lesson to each of the first- and second-grade classes. Ed's work in the schools was funded by a special gift from Robert Gianniny. Story and photos...
- Mozart for the Classroom
- Purchase of three classroom sets of "The Mozart Effect: Music for Children." Each is a three-CD set of discs containing selections intended to: improve focus, concentration, and listening; calm the mind and body; or inspire creative processes.
Nancy Carlstrom Author Visit
- Funding to bring in author Nancy Carlstrom to visit the school. Story...
- Storyteller Doll for the Art Program
- There is an annual interdisciplinary program on the American southwest that utilizes Native American storyteller dolls as a centerpiece. We purchased a doll to serve as a model and a departure point for the work in this unit. Story and photos...
- Magnetic Audio Card Reader for the Speech Program
- Purchase of a device used by speech therapists to allow children to practice pronunciation independently.
- Eric Kimmel Author Visit
- Another author visit to allow children to meet a working writer of children's books. Story...
- Butterfly Garden
- Funds were provided to purchase materials for the children to plant a permanent garden designed to attract butterflies.
- Inuit Play
- As a culmination to an interdisciplinary unit on the Inuits, a production of a play about their lives was presented during two assemblies.
- Paul Zelinsky Author Visit
- The three-time Caldecott medallist and winner of numerous other recognitions, came to read his books and visit with the students. Story...
- Books to Supplement a Memorial Art Gallery Exhibit about Illustrators
- The children went to the gallery to see the original art, then studied the illustration styles from the books along with the stories, finally writing stories of their own and illustrating them in the manner of artists from the exhibit.
- Interdisciplinary Art and Literature Author's Series
- A collection of children's literature tied to a particular event in the school.
June, 2023

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434