The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes outstanding graduates of the Brighton Central School District. The inaugural recipient of this award was David Kearns.
A member of the Class of 1948, David Kearns has had a distinguished career in business and public service. While CEO of Xerox Corporation, he co-authored Winning the Brain Race: How to Make our Schools More Competitive. In 1991 he was appointed Deputy Secretary of Education under President George H. W. Bush. Since leaving government he has continued to be active in the discussion of the needs of public education. The Brighton Education Fund presented David Kearns with the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1996. Over one hundred friends attended a reception held at the Rochester Academy of Medicine. Guest speakers were Hubert Hill (1948) and Jack McCarthy (1949), high school friends of David's.
May 6, 2001

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434