Recumbent Exercise Bike for TCMS Phys Ed
The teachers in the TCMS Physical Education department would like to thank the Brighton Education Fund for the generous donation in support of our purchase of an Expresso bike. Our students love these bikes. Their interactive nature and ability to make you feel as if you are pedaling a challenging course are a big hit. The students get a tremendous amount of feedback from the bike in real time as they are riding. We are in the process of connecting the bikes to the Internet, so that students can keep track of their workouts.
The bikes will be used to enhance students' aerobic workouts in both Physical education and after school activity time. The bikes will be used in Physical Education classes, Adaptive Physical education classes and open Fitness Center time after school. The bikes have a variety of workout levels so any fitness level can be accommodated.
Again thank you for your support,
Tony Gentile
Health / Physical Education Teacher
Twelve Corners Middle School
October, 2008

Brighton Education Fund

c/o Brighton Schools, 2035 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, New York 14618
(585) 461-0434